Studying is probably the most annoying and most necessary thing to do at college. Right now I should be studying and taking an online quiz for my teaching class, but I'm not. I need to study for my GEO exam coming up over Europe, but I'm not. I should be reading my work for my HTS class, but yet again, I'm not. And I'm actually one of the lucky ones, most people have more studying than i have. Good grief Charlie Brown. How are you all doing with studying?
I don't study much. I didn't really study for Anatomy and I got an 86%, which is quite high in our class average. I had the 5th highest grade in the class, I think.
You could get away with not studying in high school, I don't think you can in college though. Yeah, I should be studying.
9/19/2005 09:15:00 AM
yeah i need to go draw some trees and study some art history, i think that i did bad on the quiz we had.....
9/19/2005 09:48:00 AM
I'm not studying. I should be doing Latin. My book is right in front of me. But I'm not studying it. I'm gonna fail.
9/20/2005 09:33:00 AM
wow that's like me, i just don't study even when i should
9/20/2005 12:35:00 PM
yeah... i had alday to stufy and i only used a little bit of it. i need to read 2 chapters for HST and a huge chapter in EDU... but i did write a paper for FYE.
9/20/2005 04:15:00 PM
i didn't study for philosophy and i think i did ok. sociology, i studied for about 15 minutes before class and i think that might be bad.
9/20/2005 08:22:00 PM
Hi I think you have better study
or your Mom will be Mad. and what about the tickets???
9/29/2005 07:46:00 PM
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