A place where Jennifer's sense of reality is Truth.

Monday, August 28, 2006

More Crazy Catholics

^Since the real St Mary's is to ugly for my blog... I used a picture of another one.^
On Saturday I moved into Trout 013. The two freshman roommates were gone for the weekend but Sarah, a girl I knew through Corpus Christi, was there and helped out a lot.

On Sunday we went to St. Mary's for mass. I know, its evil, BUT... we went because there is a new priest sent by the bishop to clean things up out here. This didn't go over so well with the perminent members of the church. People shouted things during MASS... and there was a discussion held afterwards. A guy from the old regime was fired without notice and even though he had to go, the parishioners were (i feel) rightfully a bit outraged. He had been working with the parish for 25 years and had a/effected a lot of people there. But, rumor has it, the bishop wanted him gone (since he has a lot of crazy ideas and would have held the church back from getting better). The parishioners think that Fr. Will is sent by the bishop to get a certain quota of seminarians and don't like that he is changing everything and not taking them into consideration. Its a mess over here, but things have to get shaken up before they can settle down in the right place.


Blogger Sarah said...

wow some people need to grow up...shouting things during mass...yeah I guess it would be tough on the guy who got fired. People get to used to the idea that the church is a democracy, and forget that it isn't.

8/29/2006 09:22:00 AM


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