A place where Jennifer's sense of reality is Truth.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Reading is Worse than Writing

I know that Sarah will probably disagree with me... but thats ok.

I hate reading. I have to read this 300+ page book this weekend... but I can't, because I read to slowly. I read for about 5hrs yesterday and only made it through about 100 pages.

I don't really mind the book... I just wish it wasn't so flippin' long! It is written by this woman who has reported on Iran since 1979. The book is actually pretty interesting (although my mother says I read books that hurt her head...).

There are lots of stories about the Iran that few people hear about, the Iran behind closed doors. The writer recalls parties that have been busted by the moral police and governement officials who tried to hit on her.

I'm learning a lot by reading it, and I should be reading it now, but I'm not. I had a choir concert today and then my dad and I cleared out some things from my dorm and ate at Fazoli's.

After I "finish" reading (or stop reading the book somewhere in the middle) I have to write a 4 page paper about the book. I also have to finish up some drawings for drawing class. I should show you guys my finished sketchbook for my art class (not the same as drawing class)... the prof said I should go into art, hehe. I think maybe he's right.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Poem For Sarah...

...Although clearly not about her.

"The Nearing of Summer"

The end is almost here,
of this big beginning.
But as the end draws near,
I must now be thinking.

About school next year;
The classes and the housing.
About summer fear;
The job market browsing.

There is a new career
That I'm now considerating,
On the highway I must veer,
For life's path is ever-winding.

The time is now for cheer,
and other things excieting.
I've got to say, "My dear,
My heart you are a'smiting."

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Meh, The Weekend

This weekend hasn't been the best, but not too terrible either.

I found out that my concert wasn't on the 9th, but on more like the 23rd. I don't know why I mess things like that up, but I do it all the time. Sorry about being so inconvenient. My roommates were staying up this weekend and could have also come, that is rare. too bad it didn't happen. On a positive note... I am reading a poem at the concert called "I Will Be Earth." There are 6 song/poems that will be read by a person and then sung by the chorus. I wanted a sarcatic one about men being jerks, but enduring love isn't a bad topic either.

On Friday for Open House we were supposed to dress up like nerds. Mark and I did, but we didnt end up staying long because the big surprise was bowling, and Mark wanted to go to something else and I wanted to get home and not spend money on bowling. We looked pretty cool though, didn't we?

On Saturday my sister brough over the kids, and Emily stayed the night. I of course, needed to get out of the house before I went insane... too late, I know.

I went over to Kevin's sometime around.. 5...6...7? I forget. When I got there i found out that his dog had just died :( and I am still sad. I love Katie. To get Kevin's mind off of Katie we went to The Wheel for dinner and loitered around Wal*Mart, K-Mart, Kroger... St John's in general. I got some $2 flip-flops and a toothbrush; he got some black cherry ice cream (that I wanted), a movie, and some Harry Potter jelly beans. Kevin picked out a movie for me from the movie place in Frandor and we watched that first, "North By Northwest." It is an Alfred Hitchcock movie with Cary Grant! Then we watch the UK "The Office" for around 3:30hrs. Then we sat eating jelly beans for about an hour, looking at a blank screen and taking turns drinking cherry coke to get the terrible tastes out of our mouths. Then we watched the best movie ever, "The Little Prince" with the amazing Gene Wilder and Bob Fosse. After that we watched one of the worst movie ever made, "Trolls 2." No, this is not a sequal, and no, there were no trolls, there were, however, goblins... or nilbogs. I was basically falling asleep through half of this movie, but thats ok, it was funny and terrible. I finally went home around 10am and slept for about 5hrs.

After finding out that my concert wasnt this weekend and that I could come home, I was very excieted to see the concert at the church with David and crew. But, as is par in my life right now, I didnt think the concert was at 5pm. THIS time I blame Adam Halfman. He told me it was at 7pm, so I think when I get back up to CMU I will promptly kick his butt.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Its in The Stars

I should be studying for my astronomy test right now, but, well, I'm not. I will do that later. I even bought some nifty multicolored flash cards! I just though that I would take this time to make a post about Astronomy. It is a pretty cool subject and I have a great professor. Glen Williams is his name and he is a cool guy, if you don't believe me just look him up on ratemyprofessors.com. He reminds me of high school, when teachers would actually try to teach (the good ones at least). He writes clear notes on the board and cute little diagrams for us to copy. He uses great slides and sometimes even demonstrates his points with props and experiments. He is always willing to answer any questions and there are many. Not because students don't understand, but because he has sparked an intrest inside them to know more. Astronomy is not the easiest class, but its one i never dread going to (unless there is an exam... but even they aren't too bad) ;) I salute Dr. Williams as the best astronomy professor I will ever have.