A place where Jennifer's sense of reality is Truth.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Marie Antoinette

On friday Kevin is taking me to see this movie. I've wanted to see it since I knew of its existance.
Here is a link so you can watch the trailor: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/marieantoinette/
The movie stars Kirstin Dunst as Marie and Jason Schwartzman as the dauphin, Louis. It is directed by Sofia Coppola. I think it is a sort of modernistic yet still period piece. It looks funny and sad and fabulous! I love Jason Schwartzman, he is really funny.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Regina Spector

Kevin and I celebrated 6 months together this weekend. It isn't actually official until tuesday the 17th, but oh well. He got me Godiva chocolate, a romantic postcard and the best CD ever. I have wanted Regina Spektor's Begin To Hope since it came out this summer. And, after gallons of hints, Kevin finally got the chance to buy it for me. Isn't he a sweetheart?
I suppose it could count as Sweetest Day... but I'm not going to push it since I have a birthday coming up next weekend. I love gifts! YAY FOR ME!
Regina Spektor was born in Russia and moved to NYC when she was 9 years old. She sings Anti-folk music. She is awesome. Check out her myspace page. www.myspace.com/reginaspektor