Yesterday I set up a meeting with Phame. Dr. Phame Camerena is my great Human Growth and Development professor. I listened to 3 CD's that he burned of some of his favorite music: Electronica, Blues, and College Party Music (consisting of mostly New Wave stuff from the 80s). Great CDs (maybe not the electronica one, but the other 2 were really awesome)
Another girl from class, Liz, and I met with Phame at Kaya, a coffee house, as a part of your Personal Development Project. The meeting was to fill a requirement of getting to know the faculty here at CMU.
Why isnt the ark like Kaya? there are couches and a bunch of games and little nooks for people to chat. During exams weeks it is open 24hrs.
Because, to be honest, I am not a big coffee drinker, I was planning on getting a hot chocolate. But, Phame recomended getting a White Hot Chocolate to try something new. It was a great recomendation, very tastey. Phame got a carmal mocha latte or something and he had me try it :-p hehe. He paid for all of the drinks.
Because Liz didnt know where Kaya was and I had a general idea we met up to walk there together after my HST 101. Because I didnt know exactly where it was I asked my friend, who lives near it, from my HST class to show us the way. Matt loves showing off North Campus, so he enjoyed himself.
Once we got to Kaya at about 2, we got our drinks and sat down with Phame. He talked about the CDs we had made and listened to. He had a bunch of questions about music that we each answered. We also talked about school, different professors we had, discussions in his class, and just things going on in life. It was a good time. You know how I love teachers, so it was fun getting to know one outside of school.
I wish i could find a pic of Phame to put on here, but the coffee will have to do. He is from California and Has at least one parent from Mexico. He is a cool guy.
Later that night I went to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship bible study with Mark. We were going to go door to door cleaning but we couldnt get that approved in time, maybe next week. Instead, we all went to Kaya. Lw! It was a good time again. If you guys ever come up to see me we could go hang out there. And Rachael, they have organic cookies ;-) hehe.